2. A five Letter Word : Kimak!!
3. A boy's Name : Kaliff
4. A girl's Name : Kaisarah
5. An occupation : Kitchen helper.. Lol
6. A color : Kelabu eheh.. (grey is my favorite color!)
7. Something you'll wear : Knight costume
9. A food : Kentucky
10. Something found in the bathroom: Kondom
11. A place : Kuantan
12. A reason for being late : Kissing all night long till tired and late going to work
13. Something you'd shout : Kiss me!!!
14. A movie title : Kill Bill vol.1, vol.2 and vol.3..
15. Something you drink : Kampai
16. A musical group : KRU.. ahah.. perhaps~
17. An animal : Kucing Kampung
18. A street name :Kinabalu Road.. ahah.. is it exist?
19. A type of car : Kancil, uhuh.. org miskin kan..
20. The title of a song : Kiss Me Thru The Phone.. Soulja boy~
yeahh finally i got all the K-rules.. No cheating here.. its all true..