A bit explaination of my background =)

My photo
Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia
I'm Kamarul Bin Omar, doe just call me Lul.. =) 'Simply the Best' can? eheh. I want to shout here! emmmm,, I love this WORLD so please stop violance! war!and so on =) stop judging and talking shit to me. I'm arrogant? NO I'm not =(. for the sake of GOD, I'm really fucked up with people who didn't stay with their words!! this word's belong to you "FUCK YOU BABY" all I know is I love myself and I live for my own life. eheh.. I love my sister (Julianah) and my Mama (Anak)! my Sister is cool than your sister! boooo! and my Mama is pretty than your mama! seriously, I can't live without friends, because sometimes friends can be a cure for sadness. awww sweet doe!!! mmm, my D.O.B is on 08th October 1989, so once again dont judge me by my fucking ages! because I'm gonna fuck you if you do it! Cool right? ehehehe..

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

suffer without water~


duhhh, babi btul la..
tetibe Kuantan nih xde air plak.. cibai! air putus mcm tuh je..

without any notice, yamakaulun ahh!
aku g kje pun susah.. x mandi. lol~
nasib baik kt tmpt kje ade air.. bleh mandi..

tpi susah gak..
ble dah blik kje nak mandi pun x tawu katne..
fikir pnye fikir pnye fikir..
then we got an idea bebeh~

nih mmber pnye idea ahh..
dia ckp kt aku,,
"lul, jum mandi kt toilet Megamall!"
"haish, gile ahh, mlu kot"

"xde mkne nye nak malu2, skrg tngh susah.. jum ahh"
aku trfikir gak, dah la bru blek kje, peluh melekit sial..

x tggu lame, aku pack toileteries ngn baju2 smua..
pastu gerak g mall..
sedih sial..

smpai je kt mall, ade pacik guard dok pandang pelik je..
uhuh, ttbe ben bleh blakon plak...
dok cari ticket movie.. aku dah nk tegelak..

finally dpt gak masuk g mall tuh..
so, we guys pegi level yg xde org..
then mandi puas2..

bapak, best kut dpt mandi..

nih ahh 1st time aku mandi kt toilet mcm tuh..
malu ade, best pun ade..

lepas mandi tuh, tetibe rase mcm nak karaoke plak..
uhuh, so..

we guys end up dgn melalak kt karaoke jamban..

will hear from me soon..

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